A Discussion on Reason

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord” Isaiah 1:18

Funny that I should think of myself as a “free-thinker.” Free-thinkers generally follow reason as their source of wisdom in a godless universe. But can’t one use reason also in a universe created by a living God? After all, with the so-called “Big Bang Theory,” an origin is recognized by both atheists and Creationists—the only question being, was the universe happenstance, created through some invisible subatomic particle; or conceived and formed through an invisible personal God?

Evolutionists view the universe as something going on to bigger and better with wide-open potential. It depends on mutation to create variability. “Life wins!” I’m told, is the theory that keeps things from getting out of hand.

Creationism, in contrast, depends on the dynamics of a seed. So the universe is only fulfilling its potential. Everything the universe can be, has been determined at its origin.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see,” says Hebrews 11:1. 

To rely on either theory creates its own world-view. Each is an act of faith.

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